International Funeral Home - Rome
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Processing claims for reversibility or suspension of pensions

Processing claims for reversibility or suspension of pensions

For pension claims for transferral of pensions to survivors or for its suspension , Le Croci Funeral Home  has signed an agreement with Rome Patronati ( offices that deal with pensions and social security matters ), and they will deal with everything for you.

For a reliable service of compilation and forwarding of relative papers  for reversibility and suspension of the pension both in  Rome and anywhere else we have established a contact with a data and documents collection center affiliated to us.

The death of the parent or spouse  must be notified promptly to the social security institution (Inps, social security funds, etc.) that provides the pension. 

Timely notification will prevent you from having to return benefits that are not due and, in particular, be able to assess with the social security institution whether there is any particular condition reserved for you  such as a survivor’s pension, which is calculated on the basis of the pension received by the deceased, applying percentages  that  vary according to the degree of kinship 

The death report must be filed and delivered to the Civil Registry office of the municipality of appurtenance within 24 hours of death. Le Croci Funeral Home deals with all the bureaucratic formalities.

Death of an Inps pensioner

In the case of the death of an Inps pensioner it is necessary to follow a series of procedures concerning the documentation that is to be returned to the same Social Security Institution 
The reversibility  pension or survivor’s pension is a benefit granted to certain members of the family of the deceased whether employed or a pensioner registered with one of the INPS' administrations: in particular, the benefit is called a survivor’s pension if the insured person had already retired at the time of death, and an indirect pension if the insured person was still working.

Persons entitled to a survivor’s pension

The survivor’s pension is paid to the spouse (if divorced, to be entitled the survivor must be beneficiary of a spousal maintenance )  to children (up to 26 years of age if university students, up to 21 years of age  if high school students, otherwise up to legal age  or without age limit if  disabled) and, failing that, parents over 65 without pension or brothers and sisters with disabilities.
In order for reversibility to be granted to members of the family other than their spouse, anyone dependant on the deceased must also be cared for: the dependent minor is automatically considered but other family members must prove their dependency

Income limits on survivors' pensions

The income limits vary each year because they are based on the amount of the minimum pension: in 2019, the supplement to the minimum pension is EUR 513.01 per month. The survivor’s pension is reduced if the beneficiary also has other income. In such cases, the reduction in the survivor’s pension may vary from 25% to 50%.

Amount of survivor’s pension

The amount of the survivor’s pension, starting on the first day of the month following that of the death of the employee or pensioner, irrespective of the date on which the claim was lodged, corresponds to a percentage of the pension which was in payment to the deceased pensioner  or which would have been paid

The percentages to be applied vary according to the eligible family members.

Applying for a survivor’s pension

In order to apply for the 2019 survivor’s pension, you must submit an electronic application to Inps, after acquiring a PIN code or SPID credentials or, alternatively, you can go to a CAF ( tax advice center )  or Patronato or by contacting Le Croci Funeral Home

The application must be drafted on a special form , namely "pensione reversibilità  S01", to which must be attached:

  • self-certification of the death certificate, marriage certificate and declaration of family status at the date of death;
  • declaration that there is no judgement of separation with blame assigned and no remarriage;
  • declaration of entitlement to tax deductions;
  • Income Tax return;
  • Payment details to enable  bank transfer or payment by  cheque if the amount is less than 500 euro.
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